codes for Netflix


 Here are all the secret codes for Netflix in one place

Netflix forever changes the way we watch series and movies online. This is no stranger to this platform which is one of the most popular online streaming services in the world, and contains thousands of TV shows and movies along with a list of series, its catalog continues to grow and respond. For general order. In this article I will present to you a very important feature that you can take advantage of to access the movies and series published in this service according to the classifications you specify

How many categories are there inside Netflix? It's hard to know exactly because the company reserves the right to add, delete, and edit what it sees fit. In the past, Netflix has talked about more than 70,000 "mini-genres," with the inevitable restrictions on each regional catalog. Since then, various developers have struggled to focus on these categories and uncover the "secret codes" associated with them. Some switched to Chrome extensions, but today we have an alternative: Netflix Codes for this extension.

With Netflix Codes, it is not necessary to install anything. Simply enter the service with your credentials, click on the links for each category, and start browsing. Netflix Codes also explain the URL format for icons. If you want to intervene manually, paste in the address bar and add the category icon at the end of the title or link. For example, it will take you 1365 to action and adventure films, 1255 to romantic dramas, 6926 to science fiction adventures, 3675 to social cultural documentaries and so on.
