Find out the list of companies that keep your personal data

Find out the list of companies that keep your personal data and send a request to delete it through this distinguished site
Find out the list of companies that keep your personal data and send a request to delete it through this distinguished site

Before you engage and register for any service, remember that you agree to the policy of collecting some type of data from your personal information, whether it is personal data, financial data or internet history. Some of the Services undertake to keep your data private while some use it for advertising or other related purposes. With the integrity of users' information in mind, there are now new data privacy guidelines that allow users to request removal of their data from the services they use. However, the problem is that you will not remember all the services that you authorized to use your data to apply for deletion or removal. To help you remember that, today we're going to share with you Mine, a free site where you can find companies that hold your data. All you have to do is register with the email address you use to create the accounts. Within a few seconds, the site finds and lists all the websites and services that hold your personal data in one place.After that, the site is responsible for sending requests to each service to remove your data after taking this action. This way, you can remove your data from services you no longer use, and reduce unnecessary exposure to the Internet to protect your privacy.

To track your digital footprint on the web and get a list of the services that hold your data, you can go to the Mine site and register with the same email address you often use to create accounts. The site supports Gmail, Microsoft and Yahoo.

When you log into the website, it fetches all your accounts associated with the email address you entered, and shows you an overview of your data. The site shows how many companies hold your data. In the "My Footprint" section, you'll find all companies sorted by data type. In addition, the service does not show some companies, which are marked with "action not available". Perhaps this is because these companies may not comply with the user data removal guidelines, or they are unable to connect at this time.

Each request you submit to remove your data from a Service, a copy of that request is sent to your email address. In this way, you can obtain and preview a copy of the data removal request for each service.

Because the service detects your online accounts using your email address, it works with a unified email address. This means that if you use multiple email addresses, you may have to create an account for each email address to discover and remove your digital traces.
