What happens to your body when you take a daily multivitamin


What happens to your body when you take a daily multivitamin?

You can take a multivitamin every day but do you know what it does to your body? When you take a multivitamin every day, you may feel a false sense of security that you are healthy and do not need to focus on your diet, and according to the American Dietetic Guidelines there is no recommendation to take a daily multivitamin because the guidelines focus on healthy eating patterns, according to what was published by " eatthis " website .

The report, published on the site, confirmed that most vitamins are water-soluble, as vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. Taking too many fat-soluble vitamins can be dangerous. Vitamins A and E are known to be dangerous when high levels.

"It can be very dangerous to take too much vitamin E, or beta-carotene in particular," he added. "Vitamin  E supplementation increases the incidence and mortality of SAH, while beta-carotene supplementation increases the incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage," according to a study from JAMA Neurology .

However, chewable and chewable vitamins are becoming popular, even with adults. However, it is important to be careful with chewing if you have diabetes, and these vitamins usually contain added sugar or other unhealthy substances .

The report indicated that taking too much vitamin B6 leads to poisoning, which may lead to nerve damage. Supplementation is usually to blame for an overdose of vitamin B6. All cases of vitamin B6 poisoning are caused by supratherapeutic doses, either iatrogenic. Or normal people who treat themselves with over-the-counter supplements, daily dietary intake will not provide enough pyridoxine to cause toxicity, according to a study from StatPearls.

Taking another supplement that contains vitamins or minerals may be best to choose your own supplement and forgo multivitamins. In this case, before choosing a supplement, it is necessary to check the dosage, especially if it is calcium or vitamin D. “Vitamin D, and especially its active metabolite calcitriol, increases calcium absorption in the GI tract, as urinary calcium excretion is directly related to GI absorption, and vitamin D metabolites can theoretically increase urinary calcification and promote urinary stone formation,” according to a study Posted in Nutrients.

The report emphasized that our bodies can only absorb about 500 mg of calcium in a single dose, if a vitamin provides more than that, you will not get additional benefit in this case, choose a vitamin with 500 mg per tablet taken twice daily.
