My experience with improving the quality of eggs


My experience with improving the quality of eggs

Improving the quality of eggs is one of the important matters that women care about to enhance the chance of pregnancy and enjoy high fertility rates, especially since their efficiency and stock within the ovaries decrease with age and the age of over 35. Therefore, through Anna Mami , we offer you the best ways to enhance the health of the ovaries and the egg to extend the years of fertility and pregnancy, so follow us.

Improving the quality of eggs

Doctors offer some important tips for women to improve the quality of eggs that require changing the lifestyle by moving away from negative negative habits and replacing it with healthy ones.

Staying away from smoking, alcohol or narcotic substances, while avoiding inhaling cigarette smoke, which requires preventing sitting with a smoker in one place.

Stay away from psychological tension and stress because they are among the causes of weak ovulation, which negatively affects the activity of the ovary and the quality of the egg.

Eat a healthy diet rich in minerals and vitamins, with special attention to fruits and vegetables.

Enjoying a healthy weight because obesity is a risk factor for poor egg quality, and it also causes a hormonal imbalance that negatively affects the regularity of ovulation.

Exercising is one of the ways to improve eggs, and it is a good way to burn fat and calories, which promotes enjoying a healthy weight to avoid being overweight or obese.

Drink plenty of water, at least two liters per day, equivalent to 8 glasses.

Ensure regular sleep schedules, with long periods of sleep sufficient to comfort the body, at least 8 hours per day continuously, or 6 continuous hours with two hours as a nap.

Avoid taking medical drugs without consulting a specialist doctor while reading their side effects because there are types that negatively affect the function of the ovaries, the quality of the egg, or the dates of the menstrual cycle.

Take nutritional supplements because the lack of nutrients weakens the quality of the egg, and the best nutritional supplement is vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, omega 3, vitamin C.

How to produce healthy eggs

Doctors say that diet is the most important thing that maintains the quality of the egg.

To improve the quality of the egg should eat fruits, vegetables, animal and vegetable protein, with liqueur, eggs and fish.

Reduce as much as possible the intake of caffeine contained in tea, coffee, soft drinks.

Avoid foods that negatively affect the quality of the egg, such as sugary, fatty and fried foods, as well as salty and spicy foods, canned and processed foods, as well as fast and ready-made foods.

Activating blood circulation is one of the important things that improves the quality of the egg because it leads to blood flow to the ovaries and the eggs, so this can be reached by regular exercise.

With a married woman wanting to become pregnant and suffering from a problem with the quality of the egg, the gynecologist recommends taking medical treatments that nourish and improve the efficiency of the egg.

There are many types of these medicines, some of them are in the form of pills such as Clomid or injections such as a detonating needle.

Before trying to get pregnant, you must visit the gynecologist’s office to undergo an ultrasound examination that shows the quality of the ovaries and the egg, which helps to assess the quality of the egg for pregnancy, or discover a problem and treat it to speed up childbearing.

Improving the quality of eggs after the age of 40

After the age of forty, the quality of the eggs decreases and the woman approaches the stage of pre-menopause, which negatively affects fertility and the ability to become pregnant.

There are methods provided by doctors that can be followed to enhance the chance of pregnancy after the age of forty.

Initially, you should follow up with a gynecologist to check the health of the ovaries and eggs, track ovulation, which evaluates the quality of the egg, as well as detecting gynecological diseases that have high rates of infection after the age of 40.

Women should lead a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods and avoiding smoking or exposure to harmful chemicals or radiation.
There are medical treatments whose function is to improve the quality of the egg, in addition to helping it grow, develop and reach the right size for conception.

It is preferable to take herbal tea, there are herbs that improve the quality of the egg such as black cohosh, false rhinoceros, white peony, chaste tree berries n red clover, sweet cassava.

Risks of poor fertilization of eggs

Gynecologists say that the poor efficiency of the eggs has serious damage, the first of which is the difficulty of pregnancy or infertility, which leads to the failure of fertilization of the egg or the failure of its nesting in the uterine wall.

The poor quality of the egg is known to be a problem with the egg's chromosomes, which causes congenital abnormalities of the fetus or miscarriage.

Or she has a problem in the process of dividing naturally, which leads to the failure of the egg implantation in the uterine wall, and pregnancy does not occur.

Reasons for poor egg quality

Gynecologists say that there are many factors that negatively affect the quality of the egg, which differ from one woman to another.

Aging is the first reason for poor egg quality, because it leads to poor ovarian efficiency, lack of egg stock inside, and poor efficiency.
An imbalance in female hormones.

Having a medical condition that negatively affects the quality of the egg, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes, endocrine diseases.

Excessive obesity or excessive thinness.

My problem is with the quality of the eggs
Many women have poor egg quality.

A woman who got married at a late age said that the weak egg is a serious problem that increases the risks of chromosomal abnormalities of the egg associated with early pregnancy loss or health problems in the fetus such as malformations.

An experience says that she suffered from poor egg quality due to her infection with polycystic ovary disease, which was the reason for the delay in pregnancy, but she underwent intensive treatment through medical drugs with fertility treatments in parallel with following a healthy diet to lose weight and exercise, which improved the efficiency of the egg It led to pregnancy.

An experience says that she suffered from poor quality of the egg, which caused difficulties in conception, indicating that she took the drug Clomid, which enhanced the quality of the egg until she was able to become pregnant.

How long does it take to improve egg quality before trying to conceive

Gynecologists say that improving the quality of the egg is an important thing to do when trying to conceive to avoid fertilization failure, implantation failure, or early pregnancy loss.
Therefore, a married woman is advised, before trying to conceive, to improve the quality and efficiency of the egg for a period of time not less than 3 months.
