Infant formula milk quantity chart


Infant formula milk quantity chart

Table of the amount of formula milk for infants, where formula milk is the alternative milk to the mother’s milk, especially if the child does not get enough nutrition from the mother, or if the mother is exposed to some health problems that prevent her from breastfeeding, and there is a specific schedule that is followed according to the age Child.

Infant formula milk quantity chart

Many women may not know what is the appropriate amount of formula milk for a breastfed child, from the first day until the date of weaning, and the schedule for the quantity of formula milk for a breastfed child is as follows:

During the first month of birth, each feeding is given to the child from 45 to 90 milliliters, with a difference of 2 to 3 hours between feedings.

During the second and third month after birth, the child receives in each feeding from 120 to 150 millimeters, and the difference between each feeding is from 3 to 4 hours.

During the fourth month of the child's life, the infant receives in one feeding from 120 to 180 millimeters, and the difference between feedings is from 3 to 4 hours.

During the fifth month of the child's life, the infant gets from 180 to 230 milliliters per feeding, provided that the difference between feedings is from 4 to 5 hours.

During the sixth month of life, the child receives in one feeding an amount of milk between 180 and 230 milliliters, provided that the difference between feedings is from 4 to 5 hours.

During the seventh month of the child's life, the amount of milk is reduced, due to the child's access to external food.

Signs that the child is full of formula milk

There are some signs for new mothers who depend on formula, assuring them that the baby has got enough food, including the following:

The mother finds that the baby spits up milk more than once during the feeding period.
Start playing with bottle and not drink milk.
Vomiting after a meal, especially if the child does not have any significant health problem.
Excessive weight gain of the child, which indicates the need to see a specialist doctor in order to regulate the number of meals.

Effects of formula milk on the baby

Some mothers may resort to formula milk, and they do not complain about any problem that prevents them from breastfeeding, which negatively affects the child, as formula milk does not have everything that is available in mother’s milk, and about the most important damage caused by formula milk to the child, it is on as follows:

The lack of some nutrients in the formula, and it is better to know the types of formula milk that belong to the child, and his health condition so that he is not exposed to the problem of anemia.
Indigestion and suffering from many gases in the abdomen, which causes many problems and severe discomfort for the child, and it is best to consult a doctor if this problem appears on the child.

False rumors about formula milk

There are also a lot of rumors about formula milk, which are far from the truth among them:

Weakened child's immunity

It is among the most unfounded rumors, that the child is born with a normal immune system, and the mother must work to strengthen it through health care and proper food.


make the child short

The problem of short stature is among the genetic problems, which have nothing to do with milk, whether natural or artificial.

Increase the weight of the child

And the process of gaining weight depends on the number of feeds that the child gets, and does not depend on formula milk in particular.