What are NFTs, and how did people make


 What are NFTs, and how did people make

If you thought cryptocurrency fever was the latest thing on the internet, we want to tell you that you stayed a bit in the past, because the sale of NFTs by YouTubers and influencers takes all eyes.

It wasn't long before a digital artist named Beeple sold a work for $69 million at auction . While this may not sound strange, what caught the eye was the look in which it was sold, in what form? Well, nothing more and nothing less than NFT, a new technology that allows this type of person to sell unique products at very high prices.
If you still don't know what NFT is, either because you haven't heard of it, or because you didn't care about it, then here we can sum it up in a few words that it is nothing more and nothing less than a unique digital product. In other words, the acronym NFT stands for non-replaceable tokens, what? Because they are Blockchain-based crypto assets that have unique identification tokens and metadata that differentiate them from each other.

I still don't understand very well what is NFT? Don't worry, we can simplify the explanation even more so that this is clear to you. Imagine you're painting a painting and you don't want anyone to be able to imitate it, otherwise they would say someone else painted that painting, so what can you do in that case? Put a signature at the end of the plate. This is what the NFT token system digitally does, it allocates you a unique token that cannot be changed, and that also forces the buyer to keep the business forever.

Unlike other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoins, Ethereum, etc., which you can easily buy, NFTs (non-fungible tokens) cannot be duplicated or traded. If someone includes an NFT in their digital work, that work will be unique and no one will be able to duplicate it to sell it as if it were the original.

Currently, NFTs are used to impart "authenticity" to an art product that has been created by someone. Whether it's a piece of drawing, a song, or a 3D artwork, any user with Internet access can create an NFT from one of the platforms specialized on the topic: Rarible, OpeanSea, or Nifty Gateway.

In short, NFT works to give monetary value to digital work, as well as protect the originality of that creativity. The latter task has always been difficult to implement, almost 99% of the content that we can find on the Internet can be copied without many complications but with the advent of NFT it has become difficult.