Three brothers plan to build spaceships using moon water after working at SpaceX.


Three brothers plan to build spaceships using moon water after working at SpaceX.

Three brothers plan to build spaceships using moon water after working at SpaceX.

Three brothers plan to build spaceships using moon water after working at SpaceX.

"A new startup founded by a trio of SpaceX veterans — who happen to be brothers — aims to build an in-space transportation network, using reusable spacecraft propelled by water harvested from the Moon. Argo Space Corporation, founded by Robert Carlisle, Ryan Carlisle and Kirby Carlisle, is betting that lunar propellant will untether space.

Introducing the Future of In-Space Transportation: A Comprehensive Look at Argo Space Corporation's Reusable Spacecraft Propelled by Moon Water

We are excited to announce the future of in-space transportation with Argo Space Corporation's innovative approach of using reusable spacecraft propelled by water harvested from the Moon. Founded by a trio of SpaceX veterans who happen to be brothers - Robert Carlisle, Ryan Carlisle, and Kirby Carlisle - Argo Space Corporation is set to revolutionize the way we travel and explore space.


Since the dawn of space exploration, scientists and researchers have been looking for a sustainable and cost-effective way to transport astronauts and supplies to space. With the advent of Argo Space Corporation's reusable spacecraft propelled by moon water, this dream has become a reality. The technology that Argo Space Corporation is using can revolutionize the space industry and pave the way for a new era of space exploration.

The Technology behind the Innovation

Argo Space Corporation's spacecraft will be powered by water harvested from the Moon. The company plans to use robotic systems to extract water from the lunar surface, which will then be converted into rocket fuel. This fuel will be used to power the spacecraft, which will be reusable and capable of making multiple trips to space. The spacecraft will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology, making them more efficient and effective than any other spacecraft in the market.

Benefits of Argo Space Corporation's Technology

The benefits of Argo Space Corporation's technology are numerous. Firstly, the use of moon water as rocket fuel is cost-effective and sustainable, making it a viable option for space exploration. Secondly, the reusable spacecraft will reduce the cost of space missions and make it more affordable for governments and private companies to undertake space exploration. Thirdly, the technology will reduce the environmental impact of space missions by reducing the amount of waste generated.

Future of Space Exploration

Argo Space Corporation's technology has the potential to change the way we explore space. With the cost of space missions reduced, governments and private companies will be able to undertake more missions, leading to a better understanding of our universe. The use of moon water as rocket fuel can also lead to the establishment of permanent settlements on the Moon and other celestial bodies.


In conclusion, Argo Space Corporation's reusable spacecraft propelled by moon water is the future of in-space transportation. With state-of-the-art technology and a sustainable approach, the company is set to revolutionize the space industry. The benefits of the technology are numerous, including cost-effectiveness, sustainability, and reduced environmental impact. The technology has the potential to change the way we explore space and pave the way for a new era of space exploration.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of Argo Space Corporation's technology and its potential to revolutionize the space industry. As an expert in the field, we highly recommend the
