How to sit after embryo transfer


How to sit after embryo transfer

Embryo transfer is a process related to the behavior and activity of a married woman after implanting the fetus in the womb, which is one of the factors that prove or fail the fetus, here it requires those who are trying to get pregnant in this way to know the correct instructions that must be followed from the moment of leaving the hospital and returning home after the operation, So today, through Anna Mami, we present to you how to sit after embryo transfer and instructions for the success of the operation. We also discuss the first sure sign of the fetus being confirmed, so follow us.

How to sit after embryo transfer

Doctors say that the way and how to sit for a married woman after the embryo transfer operation is one of the most important things that she needs to install the fetus in the uterine wall, which leads to the success of the operation and the realization of the dream of childbearing.

In order to complete the pregnancy, the woman must rest completely at home for at least two weeks after the operation to help the fetus implanted in the uterus to remain stable.

As for sitting, doctors advise lying on the back, while avoiding sleeping on the sides or stomach areas.

After stabilizing the pregnancy, you can sleep on the left side, as it is the best position for the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Sitting does not mean always lying on the bed, as a woman can relax on the couch while watching TV to entertain her time and help her psychological stability.

On the other hand, sitting on the ground after the fetus has been transferred is one of the positions that doctors do not recommend, rather it is the way to sit on the bed or the sofa.

Filled the house after Rewind embryos

Cleaning the house after embryo transfer is one of the questions that mothers look for after the operation, whether it affects the success of the operation or not.

Referring to the fertility doctors, they said it is necessary to avoid housework after embryo transfer.

It is one of the activities that negatively affect the operation and may cause the fetus to fall and not complete the pregnancy.
Homework should be avoided until the pregnancy is stable and the fetus is safe.

In this regard, he advises the woman to seek the assistance of a close relative to take over the house work for her, such as the mother or sister. She can also talk to her husband about the importance of helping her to complete the dream of childbearing.

It is useful to sleep on my side after the embryo transfer
Doctors say that sleeping on the left side is the best position for a woman during pregnancy, with a normal pregnancy.

As for pregnancy with embryo transfer, it is different. In the first days after the operation, the woman needs to sleep on the back area.
It is also preferable to raise her feet with the support of a pillow.

The aim is to stabilize and stabilize the load.

After confirming the pregnancy with a medical test and making sure with the specialist doctor about the stability of the pregnancy and the stability of the fetus and the success of the operation, here it is possible to sleep on the side area.
As for sleeping on the side immediately after the embryo transfer operation, it negatively affects the success of the operation.

Eating bananas after embryo transfer

Eating bananas after embryo transfer, is it useful for the success of the operation or leads to its failure? It is one of the questions that are raised strongly. Some say that bananas help to establish the fetus, some say that it causes the fetus to fall, which requires consultation with specialized doctors.

Doctors say that bananas after embryo transfer are one of the best nutritional products that the mother needs after the operation.
Bananas contain a large number of minerals and vitamins that a woman needs at that time to stabilize the fetus.

Bananas also contain vitamin B9, which protects the fetus from defects and birth defects.

Bananas also work to deliver oxygen-carrying blood to the fetus, and also promotes the development of the brain and brain, which supports the normal growth of the fetus.

Contraindications after embryo transfer

Fertility doctors say, from the moment the woman returns to her home after the fetus is returned to the womb, she must follow some advice and instructions that lead to the confirmation of the fetus and the success of the pregnancy:

Avoid eating some nutrients and foods that have low nutritional value negatively affect the health of the mother and the stability of the fetus at the beginning of pregnancy. Prepared foods, processed foods, canned foods, fats, sugars and citrus should be avoided.
Avoid intercourse or have sexual intercourse.
Avoid strenuous work or exercise.
Avoid bending over or lifting heavy weights.
Avoid stress and psychological pressure.
Avoid a lot of movement.
Avoid going up and down stairs or riding in cars.
As for what is allowed, it is limited to physical and psychological comfort with healthy nutrition and drinking water, as well as following up with the doctor until confirmation of the fetus is confirmed.

Signs of confirmation of the fetus after reversal

Doctors say that there are some signs that you notice after the fetus is transferred to early pregnancy, and here the most important step is to confirm pregnancy with home or laboratory testing:

Absence of menstruation after embryo transfer, so the menstrual cycle will pass without its arrival.

Note that there is light vaginal bleeding at the time of the menstrual cycle, which is a little heavy and lasts from 48 hours or less.
Suffering from pain such as menstrual pain, but it is less severe and symptoms.

The emergence of some troubles resulting from the rise in pregnancy hormones that support the growth of the fetus, including headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and breast pain.

Changes in the breast, such as one breast becoming larger than the other, and a change in the color of the nipple to a darker color.
Frequent urination and an increased desire to empty the bladder.

Psychological fluctuations and changes.

Changes in the digestive system such as discomfort in the bowel movement, bloating, gas.

Severe gas after embryo transfer

Excessive gas is one of the complaints that women suffer from after embryo transfer.

By asking the doctors, they said that the large number of gases has many causes, including the diet based on gas-causing foods, or the prevailing psychological tension about the operation as a result of fears of failure to complete the pregnancy.

On the other hand, doctors say that gas is also an early sign of fetal stability and pregnancy success as a result of the rise in progesterone in the body, which causes a slowdown in the activity of the digestive system, which leads to a range of symptoms including constipation, discomfort in bowel movement, gas, and bloating.

It is true that gas is an early sign of an enlarged pregnancy, but it must be confirmed through medical tests that are reliable in their results.

When will the fetus be established after reversal?

Doctors answer, after implantation of the embryo in the uterus, it needs some days to stabilize, up to five days to seven days.

These days are the most important in which you must follow the doctor's advice to stabilize the pregnancy and its success.

A few days after the fetus is fixed in the uterine wall, the body secretes pregnancy hormones that support the growth of the fetus.
Here, the time is appropriate to take a home pregnancy test to find out if the fetus is confirmed and the beginning of pregnancy or the miscarriage of the fetus and the loss of pregnancy.

After the embryo transfer, about 14 days after the embryo transfer, it is recommended to visit the specialist for an ultrasound examination to verify pregnancy in the clinic.

This visit also reassures the heart of the expectant mother by seeing her developing child inside the womb at the beginning of its growth, which enters her heart the first feelings of motherhood.

Video confirmation of the fetus after the reversal

Since returning home after the embryo implantation in the womb, a married woman needs good nutrition that increases the success of the operation and the completion of pregnancy, so we present to you a video (what are the best foods to help stabilize a permissible and forbidden pregnancy. Experiments to install embryos with foods) :
